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Friday, March 30, 2012

Maine Field Practice Manual: Example of Experiential Learning Portfolio

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services Department hosts a website with a Field Practice Manual for the development of case workers in the Child and Family Services Child Welfare Division.

The Manual is an excellent example of how to document and proceed in a systematic and organized way of developing a caseworker. The process is one that can be duplicated for many
types of career paths and professional standards development. Most states and universities that offer state certified teaching degrees use a similar approach to document and facilitate career learning. Often called the career portfolio, the line item sequencing of skill and competency development affords the learner a structured method to not only document but later retrieve in the job interview, important information in answering interview questions.

As this Maine manual notes, the purpose of the Field Practice Manual is to provide the trainee, and those involved in preparing the trainee, with:
An overview of the training process

Experiences in the application of topics learned in the classroom and online training

Opportunities to develop competence in program policy, practice and procedures

Current information about the district office and community

Preparation for classroom participation and re-enforcement of skills introduced in the classroom

Documentation of trainee activities

The Supervisor’s role is identified as providing support to worker development by:

Allowing time to practice skills and apply knowledge

Modeling appropriate attitudes

Demonstrating proper practice

Enhancing knowledge

Giving practical feedback to learners

From: - under Publications section – Field Practice manual

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