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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Continuing Education Units - CEUs

The term continuing education unit (CEU) is a reference to a unit of measurement equal to 10 hours of contact of qualified instruction. Qualified instruction would include programs of education and training provided by institutions and professionals with the proper expertise. This includes using the proper content and a process recognized as acceptable and aligned with teaching and learning principles and theories. The CEU was designed to recognize credit given to professionals for their continuing learning experiences, who are required to obtain continuing education and training to maintain their expertise and credentials.

The International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) is the most recognized global body that devises guidelines for continuing education and training. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the U.S. entity that provides input to the International Standards Organization (ISO).  ANSI works to provide consumers with health and safety protection through standards.

Understanding the background and reason for CEUs is one part of insuring the integrity of your education and training programs. Look for programs and vendors who have their offerings reviewed by the most widely recognized bodies in education and training. In this atmosphere of cutting back and reducing budgets, organizational development practices can be best supported by such strategies and in aligning their procurement with quality standards.

Accreditation and certification are other tools used in maintaining standards.

From - ANSI/IACET 1-2007
Standard for Continuing Education and Training
Approved: 10/05/2007

More Resources:

How To Calculate CEUs?

How to find a certification?

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