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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CSAC Institue Teaches Leadership Competencies

 The California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Institute offers training for current and prospective government leaders and their staff. The CSAC is another model of leadership training resources. They list leadership in their Foundation of Leadership competencies as:

Personal Literacy:

Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Compassion.


Strategic Planning, Adaptive Change, Shared Vision, Appreciate Possibilities, Future Generations.

Relationship Dexterity:

Coalition Building, Facilitate Dialog, Appreciate Differences, Manage Conflict.


Service to Community, Value to County, Community Needs.

The Institute boasts a wealth of instructor experience and qualifications from professionals, past and present office holders, and academia.  (see Faculty)

Review A Sampling of Materials from The Institute courses (e.g. Meeting Management, Project Management, & Performance Management).

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California State Association of Counties

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