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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nebraska State HR Promotes Turning Training Into Learning

The State of Nebraska, Administrative Services Personnel Division includes a so-called Organizational Effectiveness Group.  Be warned that the layout and functionality of the website leaves a little to be desired.

The State Organizational Effectiveness Group Website Offers Training Tips – What Managers and Supervisors Can Do to Turn Training into learning….(borrowed from Iowa Dept of Personnel) -

The Post-Training Conversation for Supervisor and Employee:

If you want your employees to get the greatest benefit from training, talk to each participant about it once the course is completed. Schedule time to talk, free from distractions and interruptions.

Here are some suggestions for discussion:

Welcome the employee back. Ask how he or she feels about the training received and if it measured up to his or her expectations.

Ask the employee to tell you what was learned.

Ask how he or she intends to use this new knowledge or skill (look for concrete suggestions). Try to get commitments from the employee to apply this information to the job.

Suggest that the employee share worthwhile materials or concepts with the other staff.

If the employee was given post-class assignments, discuss how the ideas from these assignments can be used in your workplace.

Routinely check back with the employee over the following three to six months to make certain that he or she is following through with plans and ideas. Give the employee responsibility for the knowledge gained through training.

Remember, training is much more than a day away from the office --

It is an investment in you and your employee's success!

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