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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Leadership For Change: A Report by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board July 1995

Report Executive Summary:  "The next decade promises to be a time of great change for Federal workers. The reinvention of Government means that the ways of doing business will have to change dramatically in many organizations.  Missions will change and organizations will be expected to streamline their operations.  In order to provide the services that will be expected from them, organizations will need workforces that are prepared to make these changes.  Moreover, since one of the changes that can also be expected is a downsizing of the Federal workforce, members of the workforce who remain will have to learn to work in new ways.  Accomplishment of these sorts of changes rests on training and retraining current employees.  The primary issue addressed in this report is whether the systems and processes for supporting human resource development (HRD) in the Federal Government are prepared to handle the daunting task ahead."  Compare this report with the US OPM Training Guide dated 2011.  Just how far has progress or focus come?

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