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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Training Needs Assessment

Training needs are determined from several factors. Best practices in this regard include: analyzing the employee’s new assignments, technology changes, and needs that encourage and result in more efficiencies or better products.

Changes in the organization mission or goals are other factors to consider, as is the employee’s own self-assessment and past performance record. There is no replacing that individual conversation between a supervisor and the employee(s) involved.  Read more at the North Dakota State Human Resources Department.

From a broader perspective, training needs can be viewed from 8 interrelated principles common to many organizations. Here are the 8 as developed by the GAO 1995 Symposium of leading private and government leaders:

1. Value people as assets rather than as costs.

2. Emphasize mission, vision, and organizational culture.

3. Hold managers responsible for achieving results instead of

imposing rigid, process-oriented rules and standards.

4. Choose an organizational structure appropriate to the

organization rather than trying to make “one size fit all.”

5. Instead of isolating the “personnel function” organizationally,

integrate human resource management into the mission of the


6. Treat continuous learning as an investment in success rather

than as a cost to be minimized.

7. Pursue an integrated rather than an ad hoc approach to

information management.

8. Provide sustained leadership that recognizes change as a

permanent condition, not a one-time event.

Read more of the GAO report

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