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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Government Training Institute: The Greater Kansas City Area Resource

The Government Training Institute (GTI) was established in 1996 and "is designed to provide a consistent and responsive mechanism for meeting the training and organizational development needs of public organizations. It strives to be the training provider of choice for local governments in the Greater Kansas City area by offering training and development" through programs such as their GTI Certificate Programs.

The Government Training Institute Certificate Programs Overview-

Their programs include training curricula in these areas:

Administrative Professionals
Customer Service
Successful Facilitator
Advanced Facilitator

The Supervision Certificate Program, for example, notes the training “will provide practical instruction built on five guiding principles of leadership”:

“Being a good steward”

“Taking responsibility to act”

“Building bridges through collaboration”

“Being a positive role model”

“Respecting and valuing others”

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