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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Psychology of Place

Do you want to inspire and motivate yourself through better home or office organization?    
How can you give yourself more peace of mind and a sense of being in control?

If you are interested in finding answers to these questions, then The Psychology of Place(PoP) Approach can help you.  PoP is a business operated by Lou and Bruce Stewart that incorporate elements of Feng Shui, Interior Design, Biofeedback, NLP, T’ai Chi, and Aikido into including wellness in physical place design.  Read more
The PoP provides presentations, trainings and consultations to help individuals and businesses strengthen their core, align their communications and develop environments that inspire balanced growth.
Psychology of Place (POP) Information Related to Disorientation and Loss of "home":

Scarcity, Abundance and Hoarding Mentality in POP:

Chronic Clutter Syndrone:

 "According to Shaw and McKay, the basic cause of criminality is the lack of a specific area or neighborhood, to either create or accept a set of common values that would integrate the social whole. The basic causes of this main cause are equally simple. Areas that cannot articulate common values are areas that have a high level of residential instability, have a light level of heterogeneity in language, race and/or ethnicity, and are poor. Diversity is a great evil in this approach to crime, since it prevents the creation of a unified region."
Diseases that cause disorganization:

By Michael G. Aamodt

Aamodt discusses POP both directly and indirectly with slants on disorganization from lack of clear organizational values and strategies to be employed by leadership to remediate the same.

The Psychology of A Disorganized Person –Checkout the AnthonyK, A Lifestyle Management Company website serving Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties in Florida

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