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Friday, February 24, 2012

FREE - Delegation: How to Train Managers to Get Results through Other People

The Talent Development Webinar Series for HR Leaders ...
Delegation: How to Train Managers to Get Results through Other People
When: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern - 45 minutes

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Too many managers dramatically underestimate what it takes to be a successful delegator. They tell their employees what the task is, show them how they want it done and send them on their way, asking for notification when it is completed. Sounds simple enough.

Problem is this half-baked approach fails to achieve one of the most valuable outcomes of delegation - employee development.

Delegation isn't just about pushing a task on to someone else. It's about transferring knowledge to your employees and helping them develop new competencies. Done correctly, delegation is a powerful tool that helps managers duplicate in others the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that made them successful.

This webinar will give you a roadmap for teaching your organization's managers and supervisors how to delegate the right way. We'll discuss the role training and coaching play in the process and what your team needs to do to get started. The program will cover:

• Why effective delegation is all about developing employees, NOT making your life easier as a manager
• How to match tasks with employee skills
• Critical delegation pitfalls to avoid
• Coaching strategies to help your employees succeed with the tasks they're assigned
• What you should and should NOT delegate
• A step by step plan to help you evaluate delegation decisions
• What to do when employees resist delegation

FREE - Register Now for "Delegation: How to Train Managers to Get Results through Other Peopler"

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Lori MacIsaac is a management consultant who specializes in leadership development and change management. She has over 20 years of experience working with small and medium-sized organizations as well as many Fortune 500 companies. Since 2004, Ms. MacIsaac has been a leadership and management development training professional at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and has worked at the Harvard Business School in their corporate executive management program for emerging leaders. Prior to this, she worked as a consultant for Johnson & Johnson where she developed and implemented the leadership development initiative for the most senior leaders of the company. Ms. MacIsaac holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Economics and Spanish from Wellesley College.

1 comment:

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