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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leading From The Center - NeighborAmerica Course Offering

One strategy for learning involves reviewing the literature across disciplines and organizational categories and mission focus.  What we learn from this approach is how particular organizational leaders conquer problems and obstacles within various industries and occupational roles.

Here is an interesting leadership course developed and offered by NeighborAmerica for their community development programs that mines the best of leadership strategies.   Their approach looks at leadership through the various traits found in this chaotic world of work and interaction we have today. 

ML390 Leading from Center
This course will respond to these questions and others by focusing on leading in these complex and uncertain times. Busting the myth of leader as hero, lone agent or the person born with the "right traits" we will explore leaders as artists, innovators, teachers, coaches and stewards. We will develop ways of seeing and mobilizing our communities to find a new way forward in facing some of our greatest social and organizational challenges.

NeighborWorks America is the country’s preeminent leader in affordable housing and community development. We work to create opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in safe, sustainable neighborhoods that are healthy places for families to grow.


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