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Sunday, May 29, 2011


Some say that you either have it or you don’t! To be sure, there are some useful strategies to help you use your innate and untapped abilities. The art of being creative is thought to be more generous in people that are positive and who think optimistically.

One simple strategy is that creativity can be nourished and harvested from reading about mythology and stories that inspire super human courage and strength.

Joseph Campbell, author of The Power of Myths, was one who believed in the value of reading mythology. His premise about these readings:

“Spontaneous creative thought depends on your ability to tap the invisible. Accessing that which is not yet known or manifest is easy if you accept that this power lies within you. Studying ancient myths reminds you of the creative archetypes that are present within you now. When you read myths something inside responds and is recharged by the memory of heroic deeds.”

Organizations need creativity and ways of inspiring and motivating. Tap into your creativity by learning to use mythology, rituals, or having gratitude for all you do have.

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