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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Create A Survey?

Developing a survey requires some logical organization and order to be useful and acknowledged by the respondent in a meaningful way.
First, write short questions and keep them in some order so that what you are asking makes sense to the reader.  If you are asking about new employee orientation, for instance, organize your questions around the pre-employment phase, then the in-house briefing and first day on the job phase.  Develop a logical flow for your questions to make sense to the new person coming onboard.
A second tip for writing better surveys is to use multiple choice questions whenever possible.  This gives a clue to the respondent about what you are looking for and provides exactly the data you are requesting.  Keep any rating scale used the same throughout.  For example, if you are using a 1 to 5 scale, do not change it to 1 to 3 for some of the questions.  And try not to use another rating indicator like best, better, and perfect with a number scale.
Use simple and conversational style language in your survey to insure comprehension.

More Resources:

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