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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Writing For Clarity Using Good Grammar

There are many rules about and styles of writing grammar. Some of the most confusing and often abused grammar aids include: capitalization, the apostrophe, and using the wrong verb/pronoun.

Capitalization is often tricky. You should capitalize compass points, for example, when you refer to out West, but not when you refer to parts of a state (e.g. southern California). Capitalize the word Administration when referring to a political party in power or a specific department or office (e.g. Lincoln’s Administration).

And, know the difference between the verb affect and the noun effect. For example, the hot temperatures can affect your breathing. The effects of the sun can damage your skin.  Understand the apostrophe use in declaring the possessive.  My uncle’s dog versus all my aunts cars are red (e.g. several aunts have red cars).

Remember, if you are trying to command attention or respect with your writing, nothing can lose the reader more than some of these mistakes. They will very often hurt your credibility.

Learn more from these quick and to the point websites about grammar rules:

Capitalization Rules

Why doesn’t Veterans Day have an Apostrophe?

Five Grammatical Errors That Make You Look Dumb

Training Resources:

Graduate School – Technical Writing Course

American Management – Business Writing Seminar

The Murawski Group – Writing Training

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